Nov 13, 2005

T.O. seeks help from the 'holy'.

Civil rights activist, spiritual leader, NFL adversary, and media whore Jesse Jackson has decided to step in and make his opinion known about the Terrel Owens suspension. Never one to miss an opportunity to grab a headline or truly believe that we give a good shit what he thinks, Jackson met with T.O. and came away believing that the former Eagles wide receiver is deeply sincere about his remorse for his actions and words.

The Reverend also believes the punishment is too severe, which if you read his statement it does sound like he has a point. The statement does refer to the comments made by Owens recently; however he does not address the brawling in the locker room or the fact this is certainly not the first time T.O. has trash talked to the media about the Eagles organization. Nice of you to leave that out Jackson.

Jackson's never been a fan of the NFL. He's been calling for boycotts of the company for years because they don't employ enough black coaches. Lets forget the fact that there are very few black coaches who apply and a business like the NFL would definitely rather discriminate then produce a winning team and make millions. After all large businesses hate making lots of money. I wonder if Jesse thinks football owners sit around a table while the commissioner spews his talking points dressed in a confederate uniform.

"Capital punishment turns the state into a murderer. But imprisonment turns the state into a gay dungeon-master." - Jesse Jackson

Rev. Jackson calls T.O. punishment 'much too severe'

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