Little Miss Sunshine is still riding the wave of success, yet after finally seeing it I'm convinced that the powers that be at the studio spent more money on marketing this film then actually making it. It was a good movie mind you. The film had good acting, decent dialogue, and genuinely funny moments if you didn't see them coming a mile away. That being said it wasn't that funny and really the best character in the film made an exit way to early. Some of the downer points in the film felt unnecessary and gave it a disjointed feeling.
I'm sure I'm in the minority when I give the film any sort of criticism as everyone seems really kind to it. Maybe I've seen too many quirky Indie comedies for my own good. Sometimes I sit through them and feel they're all to predictable. It's something I'd recommend; however, it in no way lives up to it's massive hype.
"Sunny or dark, comedy should never be as predictable as Little Miss Sunshine." - Roger Moore
I myself found "Little Miss Sunshine" to be pretty lame. There were some good parts, but most of it was weak. I am sure part of this has to do with my hatred of anything involving Greg Kinnear, one of the worst actors I've ever seen.
Mattbear and I agree on something!!! Well sort of...still this is a remarkable day indeed.
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