Jan 6, 2006

Hey kids. Lets make fun of Chuck Norris. It'll be cool.

So there seems to be quite a trend going on where people are amused by the mildly funny tongue in cheek "facts" about Chuck Norris that is floating everywhere. My inbox today was inundated with emails listing the supposed facts. While some of them are funny you get the idea around the third listing that the rest are going to be about Chuck being a bad ass.

I don't know how this fad got started really. I like making fun of Patrick Swayze, The Hoff, and Pat Buchanan, but I'm always years behind current trends. There is of course the infamous line at the end of Dodgeball where Ben Stiller in a fat suit taunts the muscle bound ninja killer by saying "Fucking Chuck Norris". It's all your fault Ben.

Conan O'Brien hosts the often hilarious Walker Texas Ranger clips. This is where he plays a clip from the show and then berates it. Good stuff.

Conan's "Walker: Texas Ranger" clips

Not to be outdone CollegeHumor.com has several posting of pics of students with pictures of Chuck Norris in their dorm rooms as well as action figures and even art dedicated to the star of Braddock: Missing in Action III.

I've only seen two Chuck Norris movies, Delta Force and Invasion USA. I decided even as a 12 year old that never again would I dare to watch another one. Watching those movies will make you dumber. I blame Chuck for my current adult stupidity. I do own a Total Gym though. That's embarrassing really. Then again I do have a George Foreman Grill. I'm kind of lame.

I so can't wait till it's cool to poke fun at the annoying British guy on American Idol.

"Men are like steel. When they lose their temper, they lose their worth." - Chuck Norris

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I believe we bought you that George Foreman!