Jul 3, 2008

Thursday Music

All last night and today we've been having thunderstorms, which is unusual for this area, but I've been enjoying it immensely. In the late evening after martial arts class I sat back and watched the lightning bright up the horizon and heard the thunder blare. I put on some Tori Amos and just soaked in nature's own little fireworks show.

Well it's not the Tori Amos you would expect actually. It's really DJ BT's mix of Blue Skies with her providing the vocals. Bizarre I know, but I've loved this song for years and I ask you dear readers to take a trip down memory lane with me:

"For the most part, pianos are female to me. Sometimes they're dykes, and they're always good fun." - Tori Amos


Miss Ash said...

That was weird...and I don't think I've actually ever heard that song before Tori or not.

Anonymous said...

I love the T-Storm's!!!! They excite me and give me an almost electric energy. They make me a "lil' randy" too. It's such a fantastic reminder of just how little and helpless we are when it comes to mother nature.

JLee said...

I love Tori...especially when it's a mix with some funk! Have a great holiday weekend...