Kelly and I got to hear the baby's heartbeat, which was an exciting moment indeed. It brought a bit more of the reality that we'll be parents sooner than we know it.
I bbq'd some pork chops on Friday, which were smothered in marinated goodness. It turned out to be quite a success. Yesterday I attended a bbq with the in-laws. Red meat was consumed and beer floated to my belly and we even purchased lemonade from a child's drink stand. It twas a good day, except for the excitement earlier.
I was sitting at home watching television when I hear my named being shouted. I run to the garage to see my wife on the other side of the vehicle in panic mode. She told me to keep the dogs out of the garage, which I thought was weird. She then pointed out a spider the size of which I've never seen on the floor of the driver's side of her car. I put on shoes to dispose of it, but she had me take the bug spray and hose it. I squirted the toxic fluid all over it, but to little effect as it crawled in it's creepy way. Finally I squashed the thing with my foot and heard the spider's guts crunch. Satisfied that it met it's demise I kicked it out of the building knowing we were safe from the wrath of the eight legged beast.
I hate spiders for reasons I can't explain, so every time I do battle with them I feel like Samwise Gamgee. My wife fears anything with more than four legs and extermination falls upon me. I know those things can't put up much of a fight, but still I feel like a superhero when I kill one.
"A pretty little collection of weaknesses and a terror of spiders are our indispensable stock-in-trade with the men." - Sidonie Gabrielle Colette
spiders are legimately scary. don't know why, they just are
You didn't go to the gun range on the holiday? :)
I loathe spiders ugh!!!!
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