Feb 20, 2008

Wiwille shares the love

A while back I posted about a movie you should all want to see. You probably won't, cause you'll be more interested in some Dane Cook alleged comedy, but I have evidence of why you should see The Boleyn Sisters. Yes that evidence is pictured above left.

You're welcome.

Okay so I don't have much to write about today. Content is king, but lately it's lacking here on Erik's Ramblings. It's hard to come up with great ideas as I lounge about next to my Olympic sized pool, which is shaped like the middle finger, and Hawaiian Tropic models read me the news in lingerie. Maybe I should fire my staff. They kept stealing coffee and wanting something called a wage that complies with the law and an indoor bathroom. Ungrateful serfs all of them.

"If you're an actress or a musician, everyone thinks you're hot." - Natalie Portman


Anonymous said...

You should watch The Soup on the E! network that has a clip of Natalie Portman talking about working with Scarlett and Scarlett looks like she is going to leap into Natalie's lap and make out with her. I think you can watch whole episodes on line at http://www.eonline.com/on/shows/thesoup/ It was at the end of the episode if you do watch it.

Scott said...

Thank you, thank you very much!!

Anonymous said...

as you already know Erik...
I <3 Dane Cook! tehehe
- SW

Grace said...

lol, I like Nathalie Portman. She's a good actress. Scarlett, not so much... but whatever makes you happy.

Miss Ash said...

I like Natalie and actually I am interested in seeing this movie....it's not out yet in my little city. You're developing quite the attitude Mr. Wee Willy....

Wiwille said...

Anon - I found the clip on youtube and yes I loved it.

Scott - You're welcome.

SW - Yes I know you do. Enjoy Good Luck Chuck.

Grace - Yes, Natalie and Scarlett in the same vicinity does make me happy.

Miss Ash - You still need to rent Casablanca before you see this. Well need is a strong word. I should hire Scott, BB, and/or WIGSF to hand deliver the film to you.