Feb 4, 2011

There be no bluebird.

I'd never thought I'd say this, but I'm snowed in. Yes the Lone Star state is experiencing a winter wonderland of sorts. Snow is falling as I type and it's covering a sheet of ice that's been growing for the past few days. With the flakes covering what is now roads that are little more than a skating rink offices and schools are closed for the day. Thankfully I can work from home.

So here I am in Dallas experiencing more snow in a day than Seattle does in an entire year. It's actually not difficult to navigate as there's little in the way of hills here. If it weren't for the fog one could see a wintery blanket covering the landscape for miles. Our brick neighborhood is quiet as most are staying indoors unwilling to brave the elements. Puffs of smoke are slowing escaping chimneys as others who haven't purchased Duraflame logs are seeing their savings accounts dwindle with their raising heating costs. Rolling blackouts have become the norm as the state's power infrastructure is not equipped to handle the spike.

Yes it's a snowpocalypse in North Texas and I couldn't be happier. Not only is it beautiful, but it kind of reminds me of home.

"As soon go kindle fire with snow, as seek to quench the fire of love with words." - William Shakespeare

1 comment:

JLee said...

hasn't it been an insane week??? This is the worst I have seen it since I have lived here. Thank God it finally thawed! lol