Customer: I saw a guy called Borat tonight on TV. Are you familiar with him?
Me: Yes I am.
Customer: Do you think the guy's for real?
Me: I'm sorry?
Customer: Like is he really from that country?
Me: No mam he's not from Kazakhstan. It's just a comedian doing a schtick. He actually had a show called 'Da Ali G Show' a while back. It's just one of his many characters.
Customer (to husband): Honey apparently the guy's not real.
Husband: Yeah I thought so.
I should've told her Borat was real and Homeland Security is now investigating him under suspicion of espionage. They probably would've bought it.
"Sex can lead to nasty things like herpes, gonorrhea, and something called relationships." - Sacha Baron Cohen
She probably thought Blair Witch Project was real too.
I saw the movie... classic and so offensive at the same time.
I've got 10 bucks that the husband's name was Earl
Those are some hots chicks with Borat. I was waltching some of the Ali G show (with Borat) last night, I had to look away sometimes becuase it was just too much. I think I will have to watch the film.
That is hilarious that the customer made small talk about the Borat movie. I hadn't even heard of the guy until about a month and a half ago - now he's EVERYWHERE! crazy...
...and I thought there could never be anything worse that speedos...
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