Why do I know this? Why do I care? They're teenagers with nary an education and have no consequence on my life. Bristol's mother holds no elected office, but still I'm strangely fascinated by the personal politics of rural Alaskans. I normally thumb my nose at those who follow celebrity culture, but here I am reading Levi's sister's blog and hating myself the whole time.
The on again, off again drama of the snowbillies should not be public fodder, nor should I eat it up. I know better. There's no good reason to follow this news, but I do. I guess politics is just like entertainment, they're both steeped in useless drama.
Editor's note: If anything on Mercede Johnston's blog is true, and I'm willing to bet it is, the Palin's are an vindictive, spoiled lot.
"I'm pro-life. I'll do all I can to see every baby is created with a future and potential. The legislature should do all it can to protect human life." - Sarah Palin
I bet you bought that Playgirl with Levi in it!
Now I hate myself too...that blog is malicious yet tasty!
I'll bet you watch TMZ too!!!
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