Jul 19, 2006

Man this sucks.

Two days ago I noticed a high screeching sound from my car. It sounded like the transmission was going bad so I had to take the car in as soon as possible to avoid any serious damage if none had already occurred. I got off of work this morning and took the car into a transmission shop who about an hour ago discovered the problem. A wheel bearing has gone bad and I'm waiting for them to call me back once they get a price on it.

This is the hell that is working graveyards. I worked a ten hour shift last night. I stayed awake till 8a this morning to take the car in. I'll know the price of the repair at 11:30a. I'll get to approve the work and wait for them to fix the damn thing which at this point I have no idea how long that'll take. Oh and I have to work tonight. It's possible I may be under my desk sleeping the day away.

If I were working days this would be so much simpler, but alas this is the business I have chosen.

"I was the graveyard shift in a plastics plant in Texas. It was like being a vampire." - George Eads


Alyssa said...

so what kinda' work do you do?

Grace said...

Oye! There's no way that you can switch to a morning shift huh? Poor you. Can't you go home and get some sleep until they finish? The car shop must have some sort of shuttle service to offer you...

Wiwille said...

Alyssa - I work for a software company in their customer central department. My title is "Escalation Specialist", which sounds kind of cool.

I could've just lied and said I was doing something exciting like survelliance for Homeland Security or personal bodyguard to a billionaire.

Grace - Well I finally got to go home and get a few hours of sleep, which I'll blog about in a few.

Sad thing is I chose this shift as it pays more for doing the same job. And I get a lot more done such as projects, studying, and of course blogging.

rawbean said...

I wasn't gonna post because I saw "Passion of the Christ" to the right...then I read the heading. Phew...

How do you manage a social life with that shift?

Wiwille said...

Rawbean - Eh, I'm always online at night to chat my buddies so keeping up with friends is actually easier. Probelm is I only have three days off to spend with them, family, girlfriend, etc. That can be a chore.