Jul 12, 2006

No dad Elvis is not hiding out posing as Santa.

I went to Bellingham this weekend and visited my folks who had my nephews. The oldest, Gabe, finished a Greek mythology book, one that I used to read as a kid, and theological questions sprang to his developing mind.

"Grandma," he asked with a quizzical look in his eyes. "Why is Zeus a God? Is he like Jesus?"

"No Gabe," Mom answered. She then sat him down and explained to him the differences between the religions of old and her family's faith. A lesson that was familiar as I heard it as a young lad. Gabe and Corban listened to her with wonderment.

I then missed those days of youth. Those times when adults had all the answers, where a disagreement on the playground could easily be resolved with a do over, when Santa existed, and GI Joe was truly a real American hero.

Alas I grew old and came to the realization that Grace Kelly would not permanently be 26 years of age and awaiting my marriage proposal.

"I don't want to be married to someone who feels inferior to my success or because I make more money than he does." - Grace Kelly

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