Jul 20, 2006

Now that's hard up.

Being average looking I had to use other methods in my small arsenal to attract women. Sometimes it worked, and lot of times I was shot down. I always looked at meeting women akin to gambling. The more you bet the more you'll increase your odds of winning.

Of course there are times when I met certain women that made me feel like a winner and a loser.

Matthew Damsky, a Central Florida University student majoring in dumbass, allegedly decided the best way to meet girls was to commit arson. Yes he set fire to a dormitory couch in hopes that the evacuation would lead him to a sea of willing co-eds.

Just because you're University educated doesn't mean you have common sense. Most guys have gone to great lengths to meet that special someone and most have come out looking like complete dorks. Never me of course...uhhmm...yeah...

Who the hell thinks of fire as being an adequate ice breaker? What line was he planning to use anyways? 'Hey come around a blazing infero often?' It truly takes a special breed of jackass to even consider this a good idea. Luckily no one was hurt.

"Bachelors know more about women than married men; if they didn't they'd be married too." - H. L. Mencken

Police: UCF Student Set Dorm Fire To Meet Women


Grace said...

What an ass! Average looking or not, setting buildings on fire is a wacked up thing to do. It's even worse than rear-ending the car of a person you're interested in... hehe, I have a friend who did that. He ended up going out with the girl for a good three months or so. I hope those three months were worth the pain his wallet went through after the accident. Some people are just psycho.

Wiwille said...

Grace - Now I've known guys who've gone to great lengths to meet a girl, but a car wreck? And she still went out with him? WTF?

Jinsane said...

What a Class A Jackass!!

Mattbear said...

There is a time and place where fire can actually attract women. It's called Burning Man. Had only this poor schmuck known...