Dec 12, 2005

Drunk staff

Last night I went to the Comedy Underground. They had an open mic night which can be hit and miss. Unfortunately this night was mostly miss.

The host was okay and a few comedians produced some genuine laughs, but out of 19 only about 4 were any good. Lenny Bruce they were not. One comedian seemed to get angry at us and told us to f**k off under her breath. I'd be angry if I didn't have free tickets.

There was another comedian who made jokes about her/his sex change. She, as she preferred to be called, made some jokes that some of us were mulling over later. We had no idea what she was referencing and decided it would be best to just let it go.

There was a comic with a guitar that was actually clever. Unfortunately I missed one of his songs due to the fact that two waitresses came by and started taking our order. Using their outside voice they laughed and repeated themselves and it was obvious to us that they were drunk. A girl in our party saw them taking shots in the bathroom.

So the end of the night roles around and we try to collect the tab. After the usual split the tab confusion ensued I wait to get my credit card. After much waiting a girl in our party and her friend went to complain to the staff. The waitress then claimed she brought us the card.

Oh hell they lost it. They went in search of the card and I had visions of the worst, such as a guy running up a huge bill and seeing many holiday checks bounce. I decided to keep cool and not say much and let them hunt. Deep..calming..soothing breaths.

After much jack assery the waitress finally found it. She had to lift a tray off the counter which she thought was a part of the counter. Not kidding. She was that hammered. I paid my bill and walked out.

One girl in our party complained to the owner and got me free passes. If I do go back I'm bringing cash.

"It's a very difficult thing to master. I don't think that many people have the light touch that comedy commands." - Bea Arthur

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