Dec 18, 2005

Peter Jackson is being labeled a racist, again.

Abraham Lincoln once said "If you look for the bad in people expecting to find it, you surely will." I now believe this quote applies to finding things racist in entertainment. Peter Jackson, director of small indie films such as LOTR, has been accused of racism not for one film, but two. There may be more accusations that I'm not aware of.

When Return of the King, the third film in the LOTR trilogy, was released I read an article that accused Jackson and his fellow screenwriters of racism. The author cited such as examples as the fact the humans fighting for Sauron were portrayed as easterners having such traits as dark skin and wearing 'tribal' gear. Fear of a black planet was supposedly what Tolkein and Jackson really wanted to portray. The columnist also felt the line "Rise men of the west," used by Aragorn to rally his army to fight to the death, was an obvious battle cry only worthy of the aryan nation.

I wish I had the specific article for you to read for yourself, but I can't find it anywhere. There are many other articles like this which you can find by simply doing a Google search.

Now there are writers who are complaining about the racisit adittudes in King Kong. Yes King Kong. The silly little adventure story about a film director traveling to a island to find an huge ape that falls in love has suddenly became deep on many levels. There are reporters who really feel strongly that the oversized primate is a metaphor for the white mans' fear of a black man loving the white woman and that all who touch "our" ladies should be shot by biplanes. Even the tribals who worshipped Kong are seen as negative stereotypes of so called primitive people.

I haven't seen the new version of King Kong yet, nor am I that excited to view it. I'll see it at some point, but I have seen the original many times. I've also suffered through the bad 70s remake. These ridiculous attempts by columnists to constantly label things or try to stir up controversy; however groundless, makes me really hate the state of journalism today.

I'm not going to try and counter every point these columnists make as I'm sure you're a smart enough individual who can do that for themselves. I will; however, take their blabberings a step further.

King Kong is racist against white people. You see white people board a ship and go into a native unknown land for sheer profit motivation. They take what they like from their culture and exploit it back home, then they kill what they don't understand. The bi-planes used to kill Kong are a direct metaphor for the KKK. Whitey is being unfairly portrayed as violent colonialist profit whores. I could go on, but I'll stop now.

"Jackson doesn't deal with the implicit racism of King Kong—the implication that Kong stands for the black man brought in chains from a dark island (full of murderous primitive pagans) and with a penchant for skinny white blondes." - David Edelstein.

In its darkness, 'Kong' shows the human heart

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